Week 7 Food & Activity Diary

Week 7 but we are almost ready to post week 8 🙂 Oh yes!! Only in my world would this ever be ok, These last two weeks have been crazy however with work, social life, family and hobbies, my time has been whizzing by.


Regardless of how busy things have been, the eating well and moving more plan has continued, I did have a wobble last Friday week as we attended a Lady Gaga concert and the options for healthy eating just did not exist and the 3 Arena is not somewhere you would pack a picnic for. So we had some really bad chippy food, it was not good at all but worked wonders in it has us not wanting any chippy food 😉

PittaPockets Filling

We are almost the end of October and I feel my body is being clever and adjusting to all my changes so from November 1st I am have a wine, beer, cocktail free month and I plan to exercise every day, no day’s off!! now to be fair I plan some of these day’s to be no more than a walk but the plan is to not have one day without exercise 🙂 Easy!! … Probably not but by the 1st of December I will feel very proud of myself and hopefully a few of my readers will follow along and we can push each other over the 1st of December finish line!

The additional exercise classes I will begin this week is Thump Boxing and here is why:

> Boxing for fitness requires no choreography which makes it easy to learn and simple to follow providing there is structure and planning in your routines. You can utilise your training in small spaces as well as creating high intensity exercises with
minimal impact and stress on joints.

>A light to moderate intensity boxing sessions can expend between 354 to 1035 calories per hour

> Correct Boxing training not only works all parts of the body but also all aspects of fitness such as; Cardiovascular fitness,
Muscular endurance, Muscular strength, Stamina ,Co- ordination, and power.

Strength and endurance gain – No strain of weights but all the benefits (Stregnth & endurance are natural by-products
of boxing training)
Low impact on joints but high intensity
Cardiovascular improvement in little amount of time
High energy and calorie expenditure in shorter amount of time
Adaptable to aerobic and anaerobic training


Whatever the goal is remember there is always the physical and mental advantages to any type of exercise training.

Let me know about the changes you are making and this things you now do that you would have never thought possible 3,4, 5 weeks ago.

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Claire with the Hair ❤

Week 4 ‘Already’ Food and Activity Diary

preworkoutface  prefaceexercise

Here we are, Week 4: (all be it a day late) 🙂 But WOW what a week, changes galore and feeling FANTASTIC, I hope all my readers who are following along are feeling as good but if you are not, do not worry, we have some messages and tips to keep you on track and focused today.

“One Big Change” became 2 this week but if you wish then stick to one at a time, this is not a sprint and you are in no hurry, little changes will yield great results.

So we are now on day 17 or our 21 days challenge with (( No candy, No cakes, No white bread, No white pasta, No white rice, No chips, No fast food (be it curry’s, burgers, pizza etc) No chocolate, No ice cream, No alcohol)) only 4 days to go and by day 19 I should not want to revert I am told 🙂 Lets see!! will be enjoying this weekend coming as I am going away for a few days but I will begin a new 21 days without the above once again.

unislimSo my ‘One Big Change’ that became 2 is, well first of all I joined Unislim http://unislim.com/ and not for the weight management side of this but more for the support from the unislim community, via their classes and on-line supports, meal planning and they also have exercise recommendations etc, Now I have opted to join on-line and I find this a little confusing to follow but I plan to get to a class this week to gain some insight to how this plan actually works but for the time being I am using the on-line tools to document my food intake (all be is hard to fill in) and spending lots of time looking at meal suggestions and options.

The 2nd thing I have done for this weeks ‘One Big Change’ I have started a 4 week Fit Camp, Last night was night number 1 and today, lets just say stairs, sitting down or any movement is not what you would call easy today 🙂 aidanI have signed up with Aidan Shanahan Personal Trainer and his site say’s this about the Fit Camp ” Welcome to the INDOOR fitness program at the DELTA SPORTS DOME designed to get you in your best shape ever with a trainer that care about your goals and will do whatever it takes to get you what you want. Instead of your bodyweight workout in the park doing Burpees and Starjumps, why not come and join a group program run by myself where I can effectively deliver a 121 personal training style workout to multiple people in one go.
This program uses weights, sleds, kettlebells, boxing, circuits, slam balls, tyres, farmers walks, battling ropes plus al lot more and all safely indoors at the Delta Sports Dome complex.
Yes, there’s no muddy cold weather here, this membership provides the ultimate experience for my class members and deliver a cutting edge training program so you can get in the best shape of your life! So don’t waste any more time and get yourself signed up to Limericks best Large Group Training program.

Aidan including a nutrition plan and regular body comp assessments in this membership. This usually costs €150 for a months membership. You are now getting it for €75… 12 classes, 2 body comp assessments, online support, nutrition plan. This is guaranteed to take you to another level. Incredible value really.

fitcamp4 fitcamp6 fitcamp7 fitcamp8 fitcamp9 fitcamp11 postworkout(My Post Workout Face) ((Testing a Foundation/ if you wondered why I have a face on while working out)) 🙂 All in the name of research.

As well as walking home for lunch, carrying on with the Spinning, we now have Fit Camp slotted into our weekly workouts, looking at it all together it seems a lot but as we have take little baby steps and tacked each phase one by one it has been totally dooable 🙂

I have been super good on the food front with eating clean and following my 21 days challenge.

One of the new things I make for my family this week was Sushi, as we love the stuff but finding it or finding it at a good price is near impossible so I said I would attempt this myself, and do you know what?: It is not actually that difficult and it is super low in fat and a little goes a really long way ( I struggled to make brown rice Sushi look good) so here is my Sushi making attempt in pictures from the traditional Sushi white rice. Sushi1 sushi2 sushi3 sushi4 sushi5 sushi7 sushi8 sushi9 sushi10 sushi11 sushi12 sushi13 sushi14 sushi15 sushi16 sushi17 sushi18 sushi19 sushi20 sushi21 sushi22

Any questions on any of my blog,then please do not hesitate to make contact with me.

Oh and last but not lease for today, some words Aidan places around the Fit Camp class, these may help you

  • Focus on technique
  • Keep Control of the movement
  • Be Aware of your body position
  • Train hard and test yourself on each session
  • Good form supersedes everything else when you train
  • The easy thing to do is give up …. Keep going it is worth it
  • Motivate the people next to you
  • Make sure that your nutrition and hydration support your training
  • Do something in this session that you have not done before
  • You get what you work for, …Not what you wish for

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Claire with the Hair ❤

Here we are, Week 3 of my Food and Activity diary

Wow Week 3: Already?! Time really does fly 🙂 Ok so we are still eating clean, moving more and sticking to the ‘One Big Change’

The week was some what more challenging than week one or week two, for a few reason’s but most of all because I had a party to attend on Saturday night and I had a trip to the Cinema over the weekend to see Noble. Last weeks ‘One Big Change’ involved the No crisps, candy, wine and so on, which was in abundance at the party and snacks are all over the place at the cinema.

So the party on Saturday night, there were snacks, nice things and alcohol everywhere and I did not touch any of it, I choose to not pick at anything as if I began I may not stop! and I stuck to drinking water with a lime wedge. Was this decision easy, well yes but sticking to it was not very easy but then I woke up Sunday very proud of myself for sticking with my plan and staying focused 🙂 I found people watching very interesting on Saturday night, It is not often I am in a room full of people who are all getting drunk and I am the one to remain sober and I found waking up, without the dreaded hangover on Sunday a real blessing 🙂 hangover Sunday as I was bright eyed and not like the cat in the picture 🙂 I decided I would head off to the Cinema to see Nobel, this wold never have happened if I had been drinking on Saturday night but this trip came with the smell of popcorn (not allowed for another 10 days), bags of sweets and chocolate everywhere (again not allowed for the next 10 days) ((as per last weeks ‘One Big Change’) but I got through it, found it odd not struggling with the massive box of popcorn and slurping on the over size fizzy drink, but again proud that I got through this without feeling deprived or sorry for myself.

Have carried on with Spinning and Walking and this week I am going to attempt a new class (all in ext weeks update) 🙂 Finding I want to move more, if I don’t do some activity, I am thinking I should be. This is a great place for my mind to be 🙂

This week I have found many tasty, easy to do meals for me to do, there is lots of vegetables, meat, fish, still using Coconut oil to cook foods that require oil, still not eating any candy, cakes, white breads etc and this week I have included Chia Seeds as my ‘One Big Change’ chia these practically tasteless seeds have a wide range of benefits, some of which are:

1/ Lose Weight Without Starving : The Chia Seed is a dieter’s dream come true. The tiny, healthy seeds can be made to taste like whatever you want, and their gelling action keeps you feeling full for hours. Hunger is the main reason people fail in the weight loss attempts, Chia seeds will keep you feeling fuller for longer with no excess calorie intake.

2/Keeping balanced levels of blood sugar is important for both your health and your energy. Blood sugar may spike after meals, especially is you have eaten high-starchy foods or sweets. This can lead to ‘slumps’ in your day where you feel tired and lack energy. By balancing your blood sugar, you not only lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, you also ensure steady, constant energy throughout your day.

3/ Eating a portion of Chia Seeds each day adds a healthy omega-3 to your diet. Omega-3 oil is usually thought of as “that healthy oil in fish” , But, what if you don’t eat fish each day? then eat Chia as this is the richest plant-source of the health oil. By weight, chia contains more omega-3 than salmon. Omega-3 oil is important in heart and cholesterol health.

4/ Chia seeds will keep you more energized all day long, Don’t want to feel like you need a nap mid afternoon? then have some Chia, your energy levels also impact on the choices you make when deciding what to eat. Chia is one of nature’s highest plant-based sources of complete protein.The combination of complete protein, vitamins, minerals and blood-sugar balancing gel all work together to make sure you have steady, never jittery energy.

5/ Chia is age-defying in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants have always been in the news due to their super benefits. You know that blueberries and sereral exotic fruits have them, but did you know that chia is extremely high in anti-oxidants too? The anti-oxidants found in chia are the reason the seeds stay fresh for so long. Kept at room temperature your chia seeds will stay fresh and ready to eat for over 2 years and this is without a single chemical or preservative.

These are just some of the incredible benefits for eating Chis Seeds and this is why I have chosen these as this weeks ‘One Big Change’

This is a simple, after work, mid-week meal, It is some salad and chicken with a sprinkling of Chia goodness and a simple meat free egg salad with a small wholemeal pitta bread , yummy 🙂

salad salad1 salad2

Sometimes the hardest part of eating healthier, is thinking what to eat, so with this in mind I am going to add some meals to the blog that are healthy, easy, quick yet tasty.

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare With The Hair ❤

Week 2: Food and Activity Diary

So here we go.. Week 2 of my food and activity diary is done and dusted.

Each week we will add  “one big change” to the food and activity as little, constant changes are more doable in my world, I have found trying to do too much at once can often end in given up because it just seems too hard and too much of a change over night. Last week our “one big change” we did, was to swap all other oil’s in cooking for coconut oil (see the blog on the benefits of coconut oil here) http://clairewiththehairmccarthy.com/2014/09/07/nuts-for-coconut-oil/ 


This week the “one big change” is from a micro blog I follow and they posted this (( No candy, No cakes, No white bread, No white pasta, No white rice, No chips, No fast food (be it curry’s, burgers, pizza etc) No chocolate, No ice cream, No alcohol)) they say to do this for 21 day’s and you will see a real difference in the type of food’s you crave as well as getting smaller. Let’s see: Today, I am on day 3 of this “one big change” and it is going well, I do not like chocolate and cakes but I do love savory snacks, white bread and wine, so far I am not missing these but even if I do I will make myself stick to the 21 day’s.I have a party for a very dear friend on Friday night, This will be the real test on the snacks and wine front.

So Activity wise, this week I walked home for lunch each day, Took my dog out for her daily (now extended) walk and managed to fit in two Spinning classes. If you read week one, you would have read how hard I found my 1st day Spinning but I am sticking with it as I can see how much further I can go in a really short space of time, Spinning has some amazing benefits and mixed with other classes it can only do great things. Here are a few of the reason’s I Spin.

1. You’ll get the energy you need to give 100 percent the whole workout.
From the instructors to the music to the constant change in lighting, good spin classes never seem to have a dull moment. “The best tweet I’ve ever seen someone post after taking my class was ‘I came tired, and left alive,’ “You’re going to come and have an instructor who’s giving 120 percent and that’s contagious.

2. You’ll push yourself to the max, but no further.
Spin classes aren’t made for Tour de France contenders (well, maybe some are, but not your average class). They are for everyone from beginner to advanced levels of fitness. “they focus on metabolic intervals, light resistance to heavy resistance, so your legs burn and are challenged, but never feel too fatigued,” “It may hurt a little to walk up and down the stairs after class, but who doesn’t love knowing they worked hard?

3. You’ll get lost peddling to killer music.
And after taking class a few times, you’ll learn which instructor you like best, and who has the most similar taste to you in music. There’s nothing like keeping pace with a good beat and seeing everyone else around you on the same count. Research even supports that athletes work out harder when listening to music at a faster tempo. “Music is a huge part of working out. “It allows you to bring up feelings and emotions that you wouldn’t think about at the office. If you had a bad day, it helps you restart.” And you may discover some new jams to download at home and add to your own exercise playlist.

4. You’ll get a full-body workout — not just legs!
Didn’t expect to see weights in a cycling class? It’s becoming more and more popular, as well as the use of resistance bands. While Spinning is great for your legs, different methods are focusing on giving riders more of a total-body burn. “If we’re promoting a full-body workout, we want to make sure we’re delivering.

5. You’ll get used to that sore butt feeling.
We’re not going to lie, if it’s your first time, or you haven’t been in a while, chances are, your bum will be sore the next day. So what can you do to avoid squirming at your desk the day after? Be sure you’re not in the saddle the whole time. “Though it might seem easier to stay seated, heavy-resistance saddle riding at, say, 22 torque, that could hurt,” . Most classes will have you in and out of the saddle every other song. “If we spend 50 percent of one song out of the saddle, the next one we’re in,” . If you are still not comfortable? Try using a padded seat or shorts with padded bits in them.

6. You’ll define and lean out your legs.
Notice we didn’t say bulk up. My instructor said he hears it all the time. “It’s a huge misconception that ‘my legs are going to get big if I spin,'” he says. “If I chest press 300 pounds, yes I would get bigger, but that’s like riding with high torque for eight hours.” The interval training that most studios practice, with some upper-body work, allows you to tone muscles that you may have not even known you had and sculpt your body back into youthful shape.

7. You’ll feel that team spirit.
While it can be fun to go on a ride alone to clear your thoughts, the energy you feel from your spin class peers is contagious. “If you come into class and really show up, your 45-minute ride could feel as fast as 20 minutes because you’re enjoying it,” s “For the spinning instructor, it’s all about entertaining, interacting with the crowd and having a great time so that riders aren’t watching the minutes drag on, that’s the worst kind of workout.” And when blacklights are switching on and off, and the person next to you is screaming out in anticipation and excitement for the coming climb, you won’t even realize it’s your second-to-last song. You’ll be having too much fun working out and sweating.

8. You’ll leave feeling euphoric.
“That’s the best way to describe the energy high that sticks with you after the ride, our instructor always try to make the last song a powerful one so that people remember it as they leave.

Choosing to ride doesn’t mean giving up all other exercise and trading in the barbell for spin shoes. But if you’re healthy and injury-free, adding cycling into your workout regimen a few times a week can only advance your fitness. And if you’ve decided that spin is the way you’re going to get fit, then don’t be scared to fully commit. “No matter which method you choose, Spinning in any capacity is amazing for you. “It can only help you better yourself.”

Have you tried Spinning? Let us know in the comments section. Below some before and after spinning pictures with some fur baby walking pictures 🙂


walking walking2

In addition to the increased activity , I have also began to attempt to eat healthier, by following the No candy, No cakes, No white bread, No white pasta, No white rice, No chips, No fast food (be it curry’s, burgers, pizza etc) No chocolate, No ice cream, No alcohol for the next 21 day’s I would hope habits would change but also my home cooking style has been looked at, In addition to using less and a better oil for cooking, I have also increased my vegetable intake and decreased my fat’s on meat’s and banned all processed burgers, pies, cheese etc. food is to be clean from here on in. I have found some quick, simple but low fat dishes that are delicious. I have included pictures of some of this weeks foods, I will add full ingredients list later.


Let’s get moving on week 3, PS is you have any comments or questions then please do no hesitate to make contact with me.

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

♥Claire With The Hair McCarthy♥

Week ONE Food & Activity Diary

So here we go!! Week one done & dusted : Has is been easy ? The answer is yes and no, some things have been easier than I predicted and things I expected to be really easy have only been OK.. The biggest thing to remember is to actually log the things I have done and the items that have passed my lips as and when it has happened. In addition to the added activity and cleaner eating I have decided to make  ‘One Big Change’ each week and this week we have gone with swapping out all other fat’s (olive oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oils) for Coconut Oil ans here are some of the reasons why we have done https://wordpress.com/read/post/id/73954918/67/

So lets look at the 1st week : I moved more as in I walked to and from work for my lunch breaks, this is only a ten minute walk but prior to this week I drove to and from work and in addition to this I attended two spinning classes (this was a 55 minute class, I lasted 20 minutes!! & had to get off the bike to be sick..Not nice but opened my eyes to just how unfit I am) so the activity has been up!! and this week I will attempt to add more to this mix.

Food wise, I did OK with snacks , take outs and eating late in the evening which I am very bad for but I did notice while documenting each and every item that I eat, that I eat very little in the early part of the day and eat my larger portions as the day progresses, thing I need to look at this over the coming weeks. I have swapped my bad oil’s for Coconut oil which is supposed to be a great move so lets see how the coming weeks progress. I also found having to write down all my activity and making note of everything I ate this made me think before I acted, It mad me say no to the biscuits being passed about and it made me take the walk home on my lunch break.

I am looking forward to making small but constant changes over the coming weeks and while researching dieting and exercise this week I learnt that the actual diet you choose to follow makes very little difference to the outcome and it is all about the consistency, no quick fixes last and no miracle shake will have you fitter, healthier or indeed smaller…

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤