Get your Skin silky soft in time for Summer

Get your skin in tip top shape in time for Summer 

We are officially summer time but most of us have weeks before our Summer holiday’s, I have 8 and a bit 🙂 so you have time to get that skin silky soft , glowing and feeling incredible. No point investing in super cute summer clothes, buying  the best of make up’s if you don’t look after the foundation (your skin) first, so today I bring you my top tips (only four) to have your skin feeling and looking incredible and the best part of all is that you will see real differences from week one but if you keep going for 6-8 weeks you will reveal a more glowing, softer and silky skin.

#1 / Drink Water , This is a simple step yet one may miss out on, Don’t drink water every day, 6-8 glasses at the least, water is not just super to hydrate your skin but it is super for you, Water flushes out toxins from the body, it aids digestion, promotes weight loss and is can even cur a headache (next time the heads pounding re hydrate with a few glasses of water before reaching for the pain killers).

#2/ Dry Body Brush, Once you begin you will not ever want to stop! Do this daily, is should take you no more than 3-4 minutes but will see fantastic results in how you skin looks and feels. Work in gentle circular, upward motions, then longer, smoother strokes. Always begin at the ankles in upwards movements towards the heart,  Increasing the circulation to the skin can  reduce the appearance of cellulite, body brushing helps shed dead skin cells (and encourages new cell renewal) and is great to stop ingowing hairs. Buy a natural bristle long handles brush and this will last you 12+ months, wash after each use.

#3/ Shower / Bath , Most of us shower or bath in water that is a little warmer than we should, turn the temperature down a little and try alternating the temperature in the shower from hot to cold as this will further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, bring more blood to the outer layers of the skin.

#4/ Moisturise , It is a step I know a lot skip due to time being an issue or not seeing it as a step needed but if you want exceptionally soft, glowing skin this summer, then do not skip this step, I apply body lotion or a body oil daily after my shower, I apply before I dry off because once dry, I find I use too much and this takes time to sink in, time I do not have early in the morning.

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤

Inspire Limerick 01/04/2015

This is my 1st column with Inspire Limerick

Get your skin in tip top shape in time for Summer 2015

This is my very 1st Beauty piece with Inspire Limerick so I though lets start at the start, when it comes to beauty, it is all about getting the foundation (your skin) right first, so today I bring you my top tips (only four) to have your skin feeling and looking incredible and the best part of all is that you will see real differences from week one but if you keep going for 6-8 weeks you will reveal a more glowing, softer and silky skin.

#1 / Drink Water , drink water every day, 6-8 glasses at the least, water is not just super to hydrate your skin but it is super for you, Water flushes out toxins from the body, it aids digestion, promotes weight loss and is can even cur a headache (next time the heads pounding re hydrate with a few glasses of water before reaching for the pain killers).

#2/ Dry Body Brush, Do this daily, is should take you no more than 3-4 minutes but will see fantastic results in how you skin looks and feels. Work in gentle circular, upward motions, then longer, smoother strokes. Always begin at the ankles in upwards movements towards the heart,  Increasing the circulation to the skin can  reduce the appearance of cellulite, body brushing helps shed dead skin cells (and encourages new cell renewal) and is great to stop ingowing hairs. Buy a natural bristle long handles brush and this will last you 12+ months, wash after each use.

#3/ Shower / Bath , Most of us shower or bath in water that is a little warmer than we should, try  alternating the temperature in the shower from hot to cold as this will further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, bring more blood to the outer layers of the skin.

#4/ Moisturise , It is a step I know a lot skip due to time being an issue or not seeing it as a step needed but if you want exceptionally soft, glowing skin this summer, then do not skip this step, I apply body lotion or a body oil daily after my shower, I apply before I dry off because once dry, I find I use too much and this takes time to sink in, time I do not have early in the morning.

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤