Top Tips to Get your Hair in Shape for Summer (Inspire Limerick May 2015)

Winter play’s havoc on your hair and if you want to get your hair  in tip top condition for summer and if  you want hair that shines, and  hair that feels super soft, you need to follow these hair tips:

Be gentle when washing.
Wash your hair please do not scrub your hair, be gentle when massaging the shampoo and conditioner in, let the product do the work and not brute force. Towel dry by patting/sqeezing and not rubbing with a towel. I always comb hair out with a detangling brush, there are many types and most are very good.

Avoid heat
Shiny hair is healthy hair – so don’t abuse it! Use heat-styling as infrequently as you can get away with, Using heat every day, or a few times a week will seriously affect the quality of your hair and if you have to use heat, use a heat protectant product but avoid products that contain alcohol, which can dry out your hair and strip its shine. Sounds simple but if your hair is in distress you will have to be very patient with it while you await the new hair growth that you will not expose to the drying elements.

Hydrate your body. 

Drink plenty of water as this will ensure that your hair is properly moisturized from the inside out. About eight glasses a day is ideal. Keep a bottle by your side and sip from it often. Once you begin drinking 8+ glasses a day you will never look back, this not only helps your hair, but also improves the look of your skin and makes the whites of your eyes really bright. If your struggle with 8 glasses, begin at 4 this week and each week add a glass to your daily total, you will be at 8 glasses in no time.

Hair Rinse
Mix two tablespoons apple cider vinegar with one cup luke warm water, and use to douse your hair after washing. Rinse thoroughly, and follow with a light conditioner. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar will remove residue from product buildup and help you get shiny, lustrous locks. Also rince the conditioner out with water a little cooler than you washed your hair in. I have used this tip since I was about 11 years old and when I have taken a break from this step I really see a difference.

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤