30 Day Plank Challenge

Last week we shared the 30 day squat challenge and for some this was too much, and for some it was not enough 🙂 So today we share the 30 Day Plank Challenge. You can do this in addition to the Squat Challenge or if you found the squat challenge too hard then try this one!


Summer 2015 is so close, this last week weather wise has been fabulous, make this the summer you look and feel your very best.

Go on begin the challenge with me today and let me know how you are getting on along the way x

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

Clare with the Hair

30 Day Squat Challenge

There are many Challenges to try and today we share with you this 30 Day Squat Challenge,


This is pretty full on for beginners and a walk in the park for serious squatters, but if you are somewhere in the middle then this is spot on for you. If however you are a beginner why now half the numbers each day, and if you are a pro double them, this can be adapted to anyone’s level.

Imagine how proud you will be in 30 days from now.

Go on begin the challenge with me today and let me know how you are getting on along the way x

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤