Beauty Tips & Tricks (#2)


  • Use any hair oil like olive oil or coconut oil on damp hair. Applying oil or product on damp hair helps it to absorbs better.
  • Don’t shake your nail polish bottles. Otherwise, you may cause tiny bubbles to form, which can lead to chipping and polish gathers in the lid instead, Roll the bottle between your palms it will mix your polish but will not cause bubbles or messes.
  • There are many reasons why you should, Avoid salty foods. They can cause fluid retention and cause your eyes to become puffy. Never a good look.
  • Grape seed oil is believed to enhance hair growth. So if this is your area of concern you should give your scalp a massage using this oil before bedtime.
  • It is the time of year most of us need help to get our lips soft and smooth, well this is super simple, you can get them soft and smooth by using a damp, warm washcloth at night to rub off the flaky dry bits, be gentle and follow with a coat of lip balm. Simple but very effective.
  • Did you know that color always looks darker on your eye brows so choose a shade lighter than your natural color when applying the eyebrow pencil.
  • Never neglect your brows, Always make sure your brows are well-groomed. Clean up, shape, fill in any holes with brow powder/pencil.
  • My TOP Tip today: There is nothing more attractive in someone, than confidence. Once you see your own beauty, so will everyone else.


Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Claire with the hair McCarthy ❤

Beauty Tips & Tricks

So I am always being asked for Beauty Tips and Tricks so today I am going to share a few with you and over the days, weeks and months ahead we will add to this


  • Lemon juice, honey, milk, tomatoes, cucumbers are natural bleaches that improve complexion by removing dark spots and discolourations
  • Did you know that you can use the inside of a banana peel to whiten your teeth? Rub the inside layer on teeth then wipe off.
  • If you are unhappy with a hair conditioner and might be tempted to bin it, Don’t ..  it will still make a great “shaving cream” for your legs in the shower.
  • Having the right shaped brows can take years off of your appearance. Think full brows not bushy, but be careful of the “over-plucked” look too.
  •  If after plucking or waxing your eyebrows, you can use wet tea bags as this will soothe the skin around your brows.
  • Get your beauty sleep. Sleep deprivation and stress can cause hormonal changes that make your body more susceptible to breakouts.
  • Avoid hair loss! Do not use very hot water to wash hair and avoid using a hair dryer or any heat if possible! Do not brush hair until it has dried or use a very good de tangling brush.
  • If Blackheads are your problem then to loosen and cleanse the blackheads, make a paste of oatmeal, honey and an egg white. Apply all over your face, massage for 10 minutes and then Rinse.
  • It is important to look after your skin, as it is your largest organ. Drink lots of water, body brush and  Take care of it ladies! It will thank you years later.

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Claire with the Hair ❤