Clare FM 07/01/2015

Today I was invited into Clare FM Radio for a Chat with John Cooke their Morning Focus presenter to  chat about the National Uk Blog Awards and the incredible success of my blog in general. There will be a pod cast of this which I will add tomorrow.

It was a lovely chat, and really super that my local station have taken the time to know us bloggers are here and to celebrate the hard work that goes into blogging, anyone who currently blogs or has ever blogged in the past, know’s just how must time and energy goes into creating a blog and as I blog 4-10 times per week, it really does take me a lot of time but I love it and i only do it because I enjoy it.

I get asked all the time why do I blog, and there is not one reason, I love to connect with other bloggers, I love the feedback from readers and I love putting on ‘virtual’ paper the things I like and the things I do.

Thank you Clare FM you made me feel very welcome, Jason and John thank you for having me in and for taken the time to look at me blog as you both knew all about it when I arrived in today.

Hope to speak with you again soon.

PS sorry about the brutal Clare FM selfie 🙂



Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤