Things to keep you on Track (6) Nuts, 100 Calorie Portion

Go Nuts for Nuts

Go Nuts 4 Nuts             

All nuts have different nutrition credentials and will offer various health benefits, it can become confusing to remember which nut is rich in calcium, which will offer a protein boost and how much fat is in each type. So today we bring you our guide to nuts and the portion size per 100 calories.


I am a big fan of Almonds, almond butter, almond milk and and here is why: If you avoid dairy, calcium-rich almonds are a good choice to ensure you’re getting enough of this bone-building mineral. Almonds are also high in vitamin E, a nutrient which helps to improve the condition and appearance of your skin. Avoid flaked almonds and opt for the whole nut with the skin intact because the almond’s skin is full of heart-protecting compounds called flavonoids.



I love Pecan’s, toasted and crushed over some frozen yugart, placed in salads or just eaten as they are as a snack, Heart-friendly pecans are packed with plant sterols, valuable compounds that are effective at lowering cholesterol levels. Pecans are also antioxidant-rich which helps prevent the plaque formation that causes hardening of the arteries. They’re rich in oleic acid, the healthy fat found in olives and avocado. As a good source of vitamin B3 pecans are the perfect option if you’re fighting fatigue because this vitamin helps us access the energy in our food.


Who doesn’t love these green bursting with goodness nuts, Being especially rich in vitamin B6, which is important for keeping hormones balanced and healthy, pistachios are a good option for those with problem periods. They’re the only nut to contain reasonable levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that play an important role in protecting the eyes. Pistachios also contain potassium and fibre.


 Brazil nuts

Ideal for those with low thyroid function, Brazil nuts are a good source of the mineral selenium, which we need to produce the active thyroid hormone. Selenium also supports immunity and helps wounds to heal. You only need three or four Brazil nuts a day to get all the selenium you require.

Add nuts to your salads, pasta and stews, they add incredible flavour and texture and with some fantastic health benefits, they are a food source not to be dismissed, stick to the correct portions and these, all be it hight in fat are actually great to slot into your diet.


Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤

Tips to keep you on Track (3) (Snacks)

Each day we bring you a hint, idea, or tip to keep you on track, be it with activity , eating better or a combo of both, today’s tip or advise is one that I get asked a lot for tips on, so today we have a list of snacks , healthy snacks that you can opt for when feeling peckish and in need of some sugar 🙂

Snacks seem to be a big issue and a big down fall for a lot of people , try some of these when you fancy something to snack on.


Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the Hair ❤