28 Day food Plan for Feburary 2015

So here we are , Week One of our 4 week food and activity plan.

Very like the four weeks we ran this in January but with so many asks and so many new followers and so many wanting to carry on beyond the initial four weeks, we just had to keep going.

The feedback from the 1st four weeks has been fantastic and I really appreciate you taken the time to provide me with this feedback, we are all busy so thank you.

Below you will see an activity challenge for the next 30 days, we are doing 28 here but you can keep going for the 30 if you wish.

Meal Plan, very like before with lots of new meal idea’s added and lots of pictures to go with these 🙂


Each day we will add full details on how to cook each of the main meals, links to follow exercise at home (but please if you have any reason’s at all to run this by your health care professional then please do)

Eating clean should be a way of life and not a diet, if you can aim to follow the plan even 50% of the time then this 50% more than last week, and on week two maybe aim to follow 60% of the time and you will find the better you eat the better you will want to eat, you will no longer enjoy or even want the take out’s or processed alternatives.

Make little changes each and every day and you will achieve things you never thought possible.

Below are the details for out food plan from Monday the 2nd of Feb until Sunday the 8th of Feb.

Clare with the hair Food Plan 2nd Feb 2015

Each week a new plan will be posted and daily I will post how to make the meal’s listed.

I will also add links to all the exercise routines I do and any other activities I manage 🙂

So The Rules:

Eat 3 main meals and 1 – 2 snacks EVERY day .

Drink lots of Water, if you drink no water right now then begin with 2 glasses a day, adding a glass each day until you are drinking 8 good glasses per day.

Cut out all surgery drinks, diet, non diet, it does not matter, non of them are good for you.

Move EVERY day, a 20 minute power walk is a 100 times better than nothing, take up a spinning class, try Zumba, I will post lots of things you can do at home right here, so check in daily!

Ban Take out’s and as much processed foods as possible, no frozen chips, pizza’s, pies etc

Swap your cooking oil’s for coconut oil, trust me it is worth it and I will post why over the coming day’s

Sit at the table with family for meals , it is good for your weight and your mind!

Over cook in the evening is you know you have a busy day to follow, pack and have the things you need on the go.

No Chocolate

No Booze

No Candy

No Cakes

No White Bread, Pasta, Rice, swap these for wholegrain

No Junk food at all.

This is a 28 day plan so look forward to an evening meal out at the end, or a night in with himself and a bottle of wine, whatever it is you will miss most in these 28 day’s then plan and look forward to the end, you will be so proud of the work you have put in and most of all you will have started 2015 in the best possible way.

Swap white potatoes for sweet potatoes


Swap butter / oil for Coconut oil

Each day I will add full details on how to make each meal and I would love if you shared some of you pictures with me, your food and yourselves.

Lets Kick Start  February 2015!!! with my 28 day plan x

Thank you for reading you FABULOUS people

❤ Clare with the hair ❤