The other 50 something names for Sugar used on food labels

Why Sugar is Bad for You

Sugar is bad for a number of reasons. Firstly, it makes you gain weight and promotes hunger and cravings, it causes tooth decay and rots your teeth, It increases bad cholesterol and triglycerides, raises insulin levels and suppresses the immune system, making you more prone to heart disease, diabetes and illness in general. It also suppresses the release of human growth hormone, which encourages premature aging and makes us look older than we are.

This does not count as one of your five a day
This does not count as one of your five a day

What you Should Know About Food Labels

When looking at the food labels on products, know that the order of ingredients normally go from the highest to the lowest in weight,food manufacturers are required by law to list them this way. That means that the first ingredient will make up a large percentage of the product. It is also recommended that the first three ingredients listed not be sugars, so different types of sugars with different names are often used so that they can appear lower down on the list.

The names that might appear in place of Sugar are:

1. Fructose
2. Sucrose
3. Dextrose
4. Lactose
5. Glucose
6. Maltose
7. Diastase
8. High Fructose Corn Syrup
9. Galactose
10. Maltodextrin
11. Turbinado
12. Panela
13. Demerara
14. Muscovado Sugar
15. Sorghum Syrup
16. Carob Sugar
17. Diastatic Malt
18. Date Sugar
19. Coconut Sugar
20. Caramel
21. Castor Sugar
22. Brown Sugar
23. Corn Syrup
24. Corn Syrup Solids
25. Confectioner’s Sugar
26. Golden Sugar
27. Golden Syrup
28. Panocha
29. Yellow Sugar
30. Jaggery
31. Molasses
32. Sucanat
33. Dextran
34. Glucose Solids
35. Ethyl Maltol
36. Brown Rice Syrup
37. Beet Sugar
38. Invert Sugar/Syrup
39. Rapadura
40. Refiner’s Syrup
41. Treacle
42. Malt Syrup
43. Raw Sugar
44. Grape Sugar
45. Evaporated Cane Juice
46. Palm Sugar
47. Icing Sugar
48. Cane Juice Crystals
49. Rice Syrup
50. Raw Cane Sugar
51. Luo Han Guo
52. Fruit Juice Concentrate

However we need some sugar. In the form of glucose, sugar provides the fuel our cells, especially those in our brain, need to function. But most of our sugar should come from food sources such as fruits and whole grains, not from fizzy drinks and packets of sweets.

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